So you are an adult Chinese adoptee who has located biological relatives, but what comes next? For those of us who wish to maintain a relationship with biological relatives, locating biological relatives poses as many questions as it answers. How do we as adult adoptees navigate the complexity of building and maintaining post-reunion relationships with biological family members? How do we approach bridging and acknowledging potential gaps in culture, class, language and the like? How can we balance the intersection between relationships with our biological family and with our adoptive family? CCI Board Member Charlotte Cotter is hosting an hour-long Zoom session to open dialogue among CCI Chinese adult adoptee members who are in reunion with biological relatives. In this Zoom session, we will discuss experiences and challenges in building relationships with biological relatives and mutually provide support.
Due to the sensitive topic and in respect for each other’s privacy, we ask that anything mentioned in this Zoom session stays confidential among attendees. You may not share anything shared by others in this chat outside of the event. The event will NOT be recorded.
Who is invited: CCI BPSR group members, Chinese adoptees over the age of 16
**PLEASE NOTE: While we welcome all Chinese adoptees interested in searching to attend (i.e., you do not have to be in reunion with biological relatives to attend), we hope to keep discussion of how we found our biological family to a minimum and only when directly relevant to our current relationships with biological family. In other words, this particular session is NOT intended for sharing / learning strategies for searching for biological relatives in China or through DNA. However, we plan to hold a session dedicated to this topic in the future, so stay tuned.
Date: Sunday, February 26, from 2 PM ET - 3 PM ET
Platform: Zoom
Host: Charlotte Cotter, CCI founder, Co-president, and current Board Member, has been in reunion with her biological mother, father, two older sisters and one younger brother in Huai’an city, Jiangsu province, China since undertaking a search through social media and local news in the Summer of 2016. She is fluent in Mandarin Chinese through taking courses in middle school, high school, and college.
To register for the event, please fill in the Google form. The link, password, and more details will be sent out prior to the event. Please email questions to Charlotte at